BG Memos - Leadership and Budget Profiles of New Austin City Manager T.C. Broadnax

With the upcoming (May 6th) start of Austin's new City Manager T.C. Broadnax, we've put together three memos intended to provide background for organizations with City Hall interests.

The first and second memos are reviews of Mr. Broadnax's time as city manager of Dallas and Tacoma, respectively. The information was pulled from news articles from the time. We've provided links where appropriate.

The last is a review of the seven city of Dallas budget's Mr. Broadnax spearheaded. This was compiled through review of publicly available budget documents.

Following review, email us if you have any specific questions. As a reminder, Mr. Broadnax starts as Austin City Manager on Monday, May 6th.

You can find the memos here:

Contact me for general questions or comments. If there are specific business/policy concerns, we’re happy to schedule time to consult.

//A.J. Bingham