BG Note | Community Know Your History, Too


History is important for any firm engaging and operating in Austin, particularly around land use. The Austin American-Statesman recently had lesson on this over the Fourth of July weekend (see links below). A.J. Bingham, our Founder and Principal, was quoted after it became evident the piece had touched a nerve with the community. 

History provides the context which decisions at neighborhood meetings, to Planning Commission, and Council occur. Not having a firm grasp of Austin history puts firms at a disadvantage. History can fuel change or passionate opposition. Know it. Use it. 

The Bingham Group is first and foremost a local firm. We have developed substantive relationships over 26 years in Austin, spanning every corner of the city. We provide our clients trusted counsel by having thorough understanding of Austin, past and present, in shaping strategy for tomorrow.

Best regards, 

//The Bingham Group 


Commentary: Why East Austin article inflamed, hurt Latinos and African Americans (Austin American-Statesman, 7.3.17) 

Statesman Advertising Supplement Cheers Eastside Gentrification (Austin Chronicle, 7.2.17)


AJ Bingham